In the News

Featured in The New Indian Express
This article sums up the essence of Film Therapy. Such a joy to see it featured.
Here's the link to read in further detail,

Featured in Bangalore Times!
November 11, 2017
So happy that our work and Film therapy was featured in Bangalore times on 11th Nov!!!
Do read the full article here!

On the Radio
Novermber 18th, 2017
Mithrandir - Walking with a Wise friend and Film Therapy featured on FM 98.3 Radiomirchi Mumbai evening, Prerna ka Show.
The folowing is a post from Prerna's show.
Ever got inspired by film scenes/characters to make sense of your own life? Here is something you'll love. Breaking prejudices related to #therapy by telling you all about #filmtherapy by @walkingwithawisefriend
on #5se9PrernaKaShow